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Thursday 8 July 2010


I'm sure you've heard of the famous Trublood series based on American writer Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse vampire saga.

Well, when  you read the book you feel dragged into the New Oleans scenario that the author has set for you, so if you add to that, the distinct southern accent on this podcast, then you might dwell into it much better...

Enjoy and don't get bitten!!

If you enjoyed the books and became a fan, don't hesitate to click on:

Last Bite, a Podcast for Sookie Stackhouse vampire series

and click on listen.
 Well, and now a REAL Podcast!   This one I made it with Audacity and it's my own voice you can hear in it. Actually, it's the beginning of The Book Of Secrets, the latest book by Australian writer Carlo J. Vella, for more info on the author click on:

Carlo J Vella on Authors Den
The author's website

Hope you enjoyed it. Now if you want to know how it ends, get the book!!!

The Book on Amazon


  Now for another book, it's called The Arcanum, by author Thomas Wheeler.


  Here's more info on the writer and a recent interview on this book:

   If you want to buy the book, go to: Get the book

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